Booking Information
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After clicking "Contact Us Now" you will receive a reply email or call to answer any questions you may have, from there you will be invited to a obligation free meet and greet, I like to do this over a coffee (my shout) at a local cafe.
Here I will offer you more album samples and discuss your wedding needs and wants. Go over any questions you have, and offer you an opportunity to book your wedding photography, I will show you our wedding photography contract and can go over the payment plans that are available.
After booking, we will discuss your engagement couple portraiture session, where we can, once more get a great opportunity to get to know each other, and get a real world experience in the arena that will be your wedding day. I do this for a number of reasons, Importantly... its to create a great working space for all of us, so there are less nerves and uncomfortable feelings on your wedding day. So I can capture the real atmosphere of your Love for each other.
From there you will get a copy of your engagement couple portraiture images, and feel free to provide any feedback you may have so we really do capture your best side come wedding day.
Leading up to your wedding we, usually a week out, we will catch up again. This time to develop your Wedding photography plan.
Through out the journey I welcome all my clients to contact me with any questions regarding your wedding, experienced in the industry means I have seen many practices, met lots of professionals, and I am more than happy to assist with any and all enquiries you have.
If you would like to start the journey with us, click the button below